Bu site, Knight Online oyuncularına sunuculara göre en ucuz GB fiyatlarını gösterir. Ayrıca PUS'tan alınan itemlerin pazar fiyatlarını hesaplamaya yarayan bir araç da sunar. Fiyatlar, güvenilir satıcılardan alınan verilerle güncellenir ve oyunculara en uygun seçenekleri kolayca bulma imkanı verir.
- Blue Potion9 Cash - 1 Adet
- DC Premium2159 Cash - 1 Adet
- Genie Hammer99 Cash - 30 Adet
- Special Nereids (Defence) Voucher1590 Cash - 1 Adet
- Speed+ Potion79 Cash - 30 Adet
- Spirit of Genie (10ea)149 Cash - 10 Adet
- STR+ Scroll (Stat)(L)169 Cash - 30 Adet
- Switching Premium3596 Cash - 1 Adet
- Tears of Karivdis400 Cash - 1 Adet
- Trinas Piece800 Cash - 1 Adet
- VIP Vault Key [30days]349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Voucher for a Pathos Glove249 Cash - 1 Adet
- Voucher for Automatic Pet Looting248 Cash - 1 Adet
- Voucher for Magic Bag89 Cash - 1 Adet
- WAR Premium2599 Cash - 1 Adet
- War Tattoo Voucher [30Days]249 Cash - 1 Adet
- 1000 Health+ Scroll(L)99 Cash - 30 Adet
- 150 Defense+ Scroll(L)79 Cash - 30 Adet
- 150 Defense+ Scroll(S)49 Cash - 15 Adet
- 1500 Health+ Scroll(L)149 Cash - 30 Adet
- 2000 Health+ Scroll249 Cash - 30 Adet
- 300 Defense+ Scroll(L)149 Cash - 30 Adet
- 500 Health+ Scroll(L)49 Cash - 30 Adet
- 60% Re-Spawn Scroll69 Cash - 1 Adet
- Accessory Disassemble Scroll249 Cash - 1 Adet
- Ancient Text25 Cash - 1 Adet
- Appearance Change125 Cash - 1 Adet
- Arrange Line349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Astarod Pet349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Attack Damage+ Scroll159 Cash - 30 Adet
- Bahamut Armor Certificate429 Cash - 1 Adet
- Bahamut Helmet Certificate349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Bronze Premium716 Cash - 1 Adet
- Chaos Map Coupon35 Cash - 1 Adet
- Character Seal Scroll2800 Cash - 1 Adet
- Clan Contribution Certificate (+0)1040 Cash - 1 Adet
- Clan Name Change Scroll399 Cash - 1 Adet
- Cougar Transform Scroll (Karus)149 Cash - 20 Adet
- Cougar Transform Scroll (El Morad)149 Cash - 20 Adet
- Crisis (El Morad)289 Cash - 20 Adet
- Cuff Binder Pet299 Cash - 1 Adet
- DEX+ Scroll (Stat)(L)169 Cash - 30 Adet
- DEX+ Scroll (Stat)(S)69 Cash - 15 Adet
- Dragons Wing899 Cash - 1 Adet
- Duration Item59 Cash - 100 Adet
- EXP Premium2796 Cash - 1 Adet
- Familiar Name Change349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Gender Change749 Cash - 1 Adet
- Giga Hammer Pet349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Gold Premium1996 Cash - 1 Adet
- Gryphon Armor Certificate429 Cash - 1 Adet
- Gryphon Helmet Certificate349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Hera Transform Scroll (El Morad)249 Cash - 20 Adet
- Hera Transform Scroll (Karus)249 Cash - 20 Adet
- HP Maestro Voucher200 Cash - 1 Adet
- HP+ Scroll (Stat)(L)159 Cash - 30 Adet
- HP+ Scroll (Stat)(S)69 Cash - 15 Adet
- Hyper Noah Scroll149 Cash - 10 Adet
- Ibex (Karus)289 Cash - 20 Adet
- INT+ Scroll (Stat)(L)69 Cash - 30 Adet
- INT+ Scroll (Stat)(S)29 Cash - 15 Adet
- Kaishan’s Trade Certificate399 Cash - 1 Adet
- Krowaz Pet499 Cash - 1 Adet
- Lesson of Master859 Cash - 30 Adet
- Magpie (El Morad)289 Cash - 20 Adet
- Magpie (Karus)289 Cash - 20 Adet
- Medium Level Seal Exchange379 Cash - 1 Adet
- Menicias Official List Coupon (30 Days)360 Cash - 1 Adet
- Menissiah Transform Scroll (El Morad)249 Cash - 20 Adet
- Menissiah Transform Scroll (Karus)249 Cash - 20 Adet
- Merchant Concentration159 Cash - 1 Adet
- Minerva Package729 Cash - 1 Adet
- MP Maestro Voucher200 Cash - 1 Adet
- MP+ Scroll (Stat)(L)69 Cash - 30 Adet
- MP+ Scroll (Stat)(S)39 Cash - 15 Adet
- Name Change Scroll2000 Cash - 1 Adet
- Nation Transfer1599 Cash - 1 Adet
- Nereids Voucher149 Cash - 1 Adet
- NP Increase Item799 Cash - 10 Adet
- Oreads Voucher (30 Days)699 Cash - 1 Adet
- Pathos Package479 Cash - 1 Adet
- Patrick Transform Scroll (El Morad)149 Cash - 20 Adet
- Patrick Transform Scroll (Karus)149 Cash - 20 Adet
- Pidama Pet499 Cash - 1 Adet
- Platinum Premium2796 Cash - 1 Adet
- Power of Lion Scroll (Stat)(L)229 Cash - 30 Adet
- Power of Lion Scroll (Stat)(S)129 Cash - 15 Adet
- Prayer of Priest249 Cash - 30 Adet
- Rebirth Restoration Scroll249 Cash - 1 Adet
- Redistribution Item799 Cash - 1 Adet
- Resurrection Scroll (80) [5ea]349 Cash - 5 Adet
- Scroll of Armor 350249 Cash - 30 Adet
- Seal Exchange Voucher79 Cash - 1 Adet
- Special Nereids (Attack) Voucher1590 Cash - 1 Adet
- Spirit Potion (300) + Punishment Stick999 Cash - 1 Adet
- STR+ Scroll (Stat)(S)69 Cash - 15 Adet
- Symbol of Gladiator109 Cash - 1 Adet
- Symbol of Gladiator [5ea]499 Cash - 5 Adet
- Symbol of Gladiator [10 ea]769 Cash - 10 Adet
- Symbol of Growth249 Cash - 5 Adet
- Symbol of Warrior109 Cash - 1 Adet
- Symbol of Warrior [10 ea]769 Cash - 10 Adet
- Symbol of Warrior [5 ea]499 Cash - 5 Adet
- Teleportation Item99 Cash - 50 Adet
- Valkyrie Armor Certificate429 Cash - 1 Adet
- Valkyrie Helmet Certificate349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Von Eblis Pet349 Cash - 1 Adet
- Yeniçeri Armor429 Cash - 1 Adet
- Yeniçeri Helmet349 Cash - 1 Adet